Oldest Privately Owned O&P Provider In U.S.A.
On-Call Trauma Services
Immediate Prosthetic Post-Op Care
Prosthetic ACA Peer Counseling
Halo Cervical Traction
Orthotic & Prosthetic In-Service Education
E-Stim / Neuro-Augmented Orthoses
Advanced Myo-Electric / Pattern Recognition Control
In-House Fabrication / Superior Customization

"I understand there is no such thing as perfection! But Winkley has done a great job in taking care of my needs & answering my concerns & questions I have from time to time. Not once has someone reponded[sic] with that's not my dept or passed me on to another. In my experience, everyone works as a team & has a common goal of taking care of the client. It shows and I am very happy with my care at Winkley! Thank you!!"
Anonymous - Patient Survey